Our Security Hall of Fame

Our customer's security is our highest priority. Web Hosting Magic works withindependent security researchers to help make your hosting platform more secure. The fact that they took the time to let us know about any security vulnerability, is more than a great gift to us. To these wonderful souls, we are grateful and honor them by listing their names on this page.

We would like to thank the following security researchers:

Date Name Bug Found
2019-04-15Frank DenisReflected cross-site scripting on a customer application
2020-06-10Anna BuchnerServer configuration issue
2022-01-31Kunal MhaskeClickjacking
2022-02-01Chris MazullaClickjacking
Webmail Hosting
AWS Hosting
OWASP Secure Hosting
cPanel & WHM Hosting
Red Hat Hosting with cPanel
Linux Hosting with cPanel
Softaculous Hosting