Hosting Abuse Policy

Web Hosting Magic believe that more information equal more choice, more freedom, and ultimately more power to the individual. But we also understand that technologies are always two-edge sword and could be misused. This is how we handle abuse complaints you send to us.

Our customer's security and privacy matters to us. Thus we work hard to ensure that our hosting platform is used in line with the values we embody as a company.

But there may come a time when something slips through the crack.

When that happen, we always look into each specific case and work with our partners, to get it resolved.

This page is here to help you in getting your abuse complaint resolved.

To submit a request about our copyright infringement policy or have a complaint about spam, fraud or phishing complaint, please visit our support page.

Web Hosting Magic maintains its position as a provider of an interactive web service, and is afforded protection from liability of all content posted by our users by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

As such, we are unable to editorialize or otherwise judge the merits of the content posted by our users, or risk losing such protections.

Our Terms Of Service lists multiple reasons for which we may remove a site, at our discretion. However, we are not bound to remove all sites that do not comply with the Terms.

We are unable to comply with requests for the personal information of our members, including email address, IP address, or other.

If you are a member of a police department or government agency and currently investigating an ongoing case, you may contact the Legal Team at attcounsel[at]

Our policy is to comply as best as we can with any ongoing police investigations. Any abuse complaint request to this email address that is not made by a law enforcement officer will be ignored.

If you are not a law enforcement officer and would like to have a site removed or obtain personally identifying information about a Web Hosting Magic user, you may do so by filing a John Doe lawsuit against the Web Hosting Magic user, and obtain a court order, which we will honor.

Please note that the above information does not represent legal advice and is provided for informational purposes only. Consult legal advice on these topics.

As part of our efforts to remain transparent, a copy of each legal notice we receive may be sent to the Lumen project for publication and annotation. Lumen is a joint project among U.S. law schools that seeks to provide resources about free speech online and intellectual property law. It's also a database of requests to remove content from internet platforms. Lumen will redact the submitter's personal contact information (i.e. phone number, e-mail, and address).

You can see an example of such a publication here.

We may also publish similar information from your notice to our Transparency Report. The Transparency Report provides data on the requests we receive from copyright owners and governments to remove information from our services.

If you are a customer and need help with your Web Hosting Magic account, please contact our support team by submitting a ticket here.

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