Best Hosting Choice For Websites Owners Serious About Security
Web Hosting Magic provides secure web hosting service that protects your websites from all kinds of digital attacks & known and unknown security threats.
What is website malware cleanup?
We know that malware infection is a top issue for our customers’ web servers and thus have partnered with Imunify360 & also SiteLock to:
- automatically scans file systems for malware injection
- clean up any malware infection
- ensure that such infestation never re-occur again
How does it work?
A baddie somehow break into your website or you installed a malicious plugin. module or theme.
So our system scans your files and directories and found some ugly-ass virus, malware or worm lurking in the shadows or wrecking havoc with vengeance.
When this is found, the system wakes up our ninja cleanup bot and ask him to take a good look at the infected files.
So Freddy the Malware Hunter goes to work and either is locate the malicious code and remove it or remove the entire file completely if it can't be cured
To cleanup all files, all the customer has to do is to click the Cleanup all button within our cPanel control panel interface to remove harmful content detected as infected or quarantined from all files.
Your website is as good as new though we probably still need to alert Google and search engines that you are now a good upstanding citizen of the web.
Will Malware Cleanup break my website?
The service was designed to decrease the possibility of data loss and website malfunction during and after cleanup.
Before any cleanup operation, it backs up the infected file and trims it instead of removing it.
The backup let a user restore the file to a state where it was, before cleanup.
File backups are stored in special folders outside user home directories and names of these files are not altered.
Can your malware cleanup clean all infected files?
Yes, all the files marked as Infected or Quarantined can be cleaned up or trimmed.
What kind of malicious code & content can this malware cleanup remove?
The cleanup engine detects and performs a cleanup for all content that might be considered as malicious:
- web-shells
- backdoors
- phishing pages
- virus injections
- doorways
- droppers
- miners
- uploaders
- and more.
If the Malware Cleanup did not clean up some of malicious files. What could be the cause?
There might be the following causes:
- infected file or its folder might be write-protected so the systems couldn't write or delete it. If you notice that his is the case, please contact our Security Team for clarification.
- infected file might have gone missing or not readable at the time of the cleanup attempt. Do check if the file is in place and if its permissions are correct. if you are not sure what to do, please ask our team.
If malware clean cannot completely remove the malware, what do I do next?
While this has never happened before, if you ever notice this, please do contact our Red Team at once.
We also do offer SiteLock website security services as part of hosting packages.
SiteLock gives additional malware protection and security to your website and customers can use it along with the tools we provide.
SiteLock Website Security Scans identifies vulnerabilities and known malicious code and automatically removes it from your website to protect your website and visitors against threats.
Lite, the starter package starts at $0.00.
Plus you get the SiteLock Trust Seal which builds customer confidence and is proven to increase sales and conversion rates.